Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Teaching at FEED

Taught our regular session at the fantastic FEED Studio, Millennium Point, which is part of the brand new Birmingham Metropolitan College, with the HND Graphic Design second year students on Tuesday. Bloody hell that was a bit wordy! They are a great bunch of new designers coming through soon to industry - watch out!. Here are some pictures from the session. We were trying to work with them on generating visuals and sketchbook work for their autobiography brief away from the Mac. We re-introduced them to the old scalpel, paint, Letraset, drawing and tape! We then photocopied the illustrations to get those wonderful shadows and distortion where the copier tries to work out the depth of field. The only time we used the Mac was to type out the text and project the images large to re-shoot digitally, which added a new sort of blurriness and depth of field. A most enjoyable day...

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Logo Police have been busy!!!

I have been walking past this large format poster for weeks and found myself getting angry at the laziness of the branding! Why do so many corporate designers keep re-appropriating the Nike tick!!! Nice one to whoever did this - bloody great!!!